WPRFU mourns passing of Temba Mdlalo

PUBLISHED: November 19, 2019

The Western Province Rugby Football Union (WPRFU) is mourning the passing of former Western Province and Busy Bees RFC player Temba Mdlalo.

Mdlalo started his rugby career as a wing at Langa High School in the 1950’s, captained by Mathemba “Kappy” Ndlumbini.

The prolific scorer then represented Healdtown High School, before going on to play for Busy Bees and Mother City in Langa, where he was affectionately know as “Zungulichele” (The Opportunist).

Mdlalo proceeded to Captain Western Province in 1964, playing at No.8, which was the position he played when he captained the “Black” Springbok team in 1965. He left South Africa and went into exile later that year.

WPRFU President Zelt Marais said that his thoughts are with the Mdlalo family at this time.

“We are saddened by the news of the passing of Temba Mdlalo. Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Mdlalo family and friends,” he said.

The memorial service will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at St Francis Catholic Church Hall in Ndabeni Street, Langa, with the funeral service at Langa Methodist Church in Washington Street on Saturday, 23 November.