Zacks reaffirms commitment to WP Rugby

PUBLISHED: October 25, 2018

Western Province Rugby Group CEO, Paul Zacks, has reaffirmed his commitment to working for Western Province Rugby.

Following recent reports linking Zacks to the position of CEO at the Blue Bulls Company, the Western Province Rugby Group CEO has moved to commit himself to his current role.

Zacks said he remains fully committed to his work with Western Province Rugby and will not be taking up a position elsewhere.

“There has been much speculation regarding my being considered for the CEO position at the Blue Bulls Company.

“Unfortunately, the speculation within WP Rugby circles and in certain sections of the media has now reached a level where it is beginning to distract from the important work being done at WP Rugby, and thus can no longer be ignored.

“Accordingly, I wish to end the speculation and advise that I will NOT be taking up the opportunity.

“As has been correctly reported, I have always been, and remain, fully committed to WP Rugby in my current position as the Group CEO.

“It is no secret that there remains a great deal of work to be done to improve matters at WP Rugby, and having drawn up a strategy for the financial sustainability of the Group, my focus is on ensuring that those plans come to fruition and that ultimately WP Rugby is successful both on and off the field for many years to come.

“The spirit of the General Council meeting on Tuesday evening was for me a sign that, like our Currie Cup team, we are a couple of steps closer towards achieving our goals,” he said.

Commenting on the decision, President of the Western Province Rugby Football Union, Thelo Wakefield , said: “We are very pleased with Paul’s decision. Paul is a WP man through and through.

“His tenure at WP Rugby has coincided with a difficult period in our history, but I remain firmly convinced that his turnaround plan will see WP Rugby reach our goals and attain our vision of being the leading rugby union in the world. He has the full support and backing of all at WP Rugby.

“We are very pleased to put the speculation to rest and that Paul will remain at the helm of WP Rugby for the foreseeable future,” Wakefield added.

See Ruhan Nel in latest WP Rugby Digi Mag