WPRFU Vice President Njengele resigns

PUBLISHED: August 2, 2018

Vice President of the Western Province Rugby Football Union, Mr Gerald Njengele, handed in his voluntary resignation on Thursday.

The resignation stems from the incident that took place at the HSBC Sevens in Cape Town last December and the internal disciplinary hearings which followed.

WPRFU President, Mr Thelo Wakefield, said that he received Mr Njengele’s resignation on Thursday morning.

“Mr Njengele took the magnanimous decision this morning to resign in acknowledgement of the fact that no one person is greater than the Union and that the name and reputation of WPRFU needs to be held in high esteem at all times.

“We wish to thank Mr Njengele for his valuable contributions to the activities of the WPRFU and wish him well for his future endeavours,” he said.