A report on the front page of the Cape’s Daily Afrikaans Newspaper, Die Burger, today claiming WP Craven Week captain and SA U20 flyhalf, Handré Pollard, has signed for the Bulls and that Province has been scrambling to sign the player since a report recently appeared in Sport 24, was today rubbished by WP Rugby.
Pollard Junior has been part of the WP Rugby set-up from a young age, having been identified and represented WP at U13, U16 and U18 levels. Last year already he was invited by senior coach Allister Coetzee and trained with the Stormers in November, as they prepared for this year’s Super Rugby competition, something that had not been done before with such a young player. Pollard Senior also captained the U18 WP Craven Week side, himself having a proud history with the Union.
WP Rugby has held numerous meetings with Mr Pollard senior dating back to 11 August 2010 to secure the player’s services for senior rugby in the Province. Mr Pollard Senior has recently confirmed to WP Rugby and is on public record in the newspapers, that Pollard Junior has not signed any contract and that they will speak to WP Rugby, his home province, before any such decision is made. He has, however, confirmed that he has offers from the Bulls and Sharks. In terms of the SARU rules and regulations, those Unions would need to notify WP Rugby and afford the home Union the opportunity to meet or beat their offers, before any deal could be concluded.
“Die Bulle asook die Sharks het albei goeie aanbiedings aan Handré gemaak, maar ons het nog geen besluit daaroor geneem nie.”
“Die WP-unie het ‘n belangrike rol in die ontwikkeling van Handré as speler gehad en ons het groot waardering daarvoor.”
“Maar ons gaan eers wag tot Julie voordat ons ‘n besluit sal neem. Handré moet nou eers sy fokus op rugby hou.”
“Ek is ‘n stoere ondersteuner van WP-rugby en stap ‘n lang pad met die unie. Ekself was in 1978 ook kaptein van die WP se Cravenweekspan en dit is werklik vir ons iets besonders dat Handré ook aangewys is as kaptein van die WP-Cravenweekspan. Maar aan die einde van die dag is dit hyself wat die finale besluit sal moet neem waar hy sy rugbyloopbaan wil voortsit.”
Mnr. Andre Pollard, pa van Handré – Die Burger – Vrydag 1 Junie 2012.
WP Rugby takes Mr Pollard Senior at his word and looks forward to continue to negotiate in good faith to try and retain the services of Pollard Junior in his home province, a process which started in 2010.