Update on Team Management Issue

PUBLISHED: July 19, 2018

The President of WPRFU on Monday clarified that the widely reported on Stormers management team issue involving assistant coaches Paul Treu and Paul Feeney is being addressed at the highest level.

“A meeting with all the management and related parties will be held on Wednesday where we will look to address and find solutions to the current team management issue.”

“We believe that we have contracted an exceptional group of athletes for next season and want to ensure all issues and potential stumbling blocks are dealt with and clarity provided where required, to ensure we have the best possible chance in the competition.”

“Feedback will then be provided in a full season assessment to the WP Board at the end of July.”

Wakefield also expressed concern that an internal team management issue continued to be linked to WP Rugby commercial issues that have previously been clarified by WP Rugby.

“Parties continue to link the Remgro loan and the Aerios claim against the liquidated WP company to this story where they have nothing to do with it.”

“The rebuilding of WP Rugby is a process, we are implementing a very clear vision and plan and will continue to do what is best for WP Rugby.”

By way of clarification and as previously published by WP Rugby;

  • WP Rugby can confirm that former WP Rugby (Pty) Ltd shareholder Remgro has not recalled their loans and that WP Rugby is in regular contact with Remgro with regard to its outstanding indebtedness to Remgro.
  • WPRFU owns a number of unencumbered (debt free) high value property assets. Part of WP Rugby’s turnaround strategy is the development of those property assets to ensure significant residual income streams for the Union in perpetuity.
  • In addition, WP Rugby can confirm that it is in discussions with a potential equity investor with regards to the sale of a stake of less than 50% in the commercial arm of WP Rugby.
  • WP Rugby also wishes to clarify that the Aerios claim for damages it allegedly suffered, is against the Liquidated Company and is being dealt with by the Liquidators.

Paul Zacks CEO of WPRFU also added, “We have also noted some direct and sometimes personal attacks on the leadership of WP Rugby and I wish to state categorically that the Board, Executive and management are united in their support of the President and senior leadership of WP Rugby. We have already managed to address many of the challenges we have faced recently and have a clear plan ahead.”