1. Any person who enters the stadium or other property owned or controlled by WP Rugby in the vicinity of the Stadium (together with the Stadium and the car parks “the Ground”) is admitted only on the basis of these Rules and by entering the Ground shall be deemed to have accepted these Rules.
2. Any person who enters the Ground is liable to be searched by a police officer or servant or agent of WP Rugby and WP Rugby reserves the right to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Ground, any person who declines to be searched.
3. WP Rugby, its servants or agents will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, including of or to any vehicle or its contents in any car park or to any person who enters the Ground caused by WP Rugby or its servants or agents: in circumstances where there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed by WP Rugby or any of its servants or agents; or in circumstances where such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach (save for death or personal injury as a result of a breach of a legal duty of care owed by WP Rugby, its servants or agents); or to the extent that any increase in loss or damage results from breach by you of any of the terms of admission of these Rules.
4. All vehicles shall be parked within car parks in accordance with instructions communicated by WP Rugby, its servants or agents.
5. The construction or use of any type of fire, naked flame barbecue or liquefied petroleum gas device, for cooking or heating, is prohibited within the Ground.
6. In the Stadium no unauthorised person is permitted on the playing or performance area (i.e. the pitch and its surrounding and no person may remain in a gangway, entrance, exit or staircase at any time.
7. Admission to the Stadium is only by the entrance shown on the ticket and cannot be timeously guaranteed if the ticket holder arrives at the Stadium less than 30 minutes before the advertised commencement or kick off time.
8. Only a person specifically authorised in writing by WP Rugby is permitted within the Ground to offer for sale or distribute without charge any item or article whatsoever.
9. Any person entering the Ground must comply with the lawful directions of any steward or other servant or agent of WP Rugby.
10. WP Rugby shall be entitled to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Ground, any person whose behaviour or conduct could in the reasonable opinion of WP Rugby constitute a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to spectators or other persons.
11. WP Rugby reserves the right to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Ground, any person who in the reasonable opinion of WP Rugby, its servants or agents, makes or incites any form of racial abuse, chanting, gesturing or behaviour.
12. Admission to the Stadium may be denied to ticket holders under the influence of, or carrying alcohol or any narcotic substance.
13. Admission to the Stadium will be denied to ticket holders carrying alcohol or any article, or part of an article, capable of causing injury to a person struck by it, being a bottle, can or other portable container which is for holding any drink, and is of a kind which, when empty, is normally discarded or returned to, or left to be recovered by, the supplier. Where admission is refused in such circumstances, no money will be refunded.
14. Glass bottles, glass receptacles, cans, plastic bottles, pyrotechnics, flags on sticks or poles which stick or pole measures more than 1.5 metres in length, or any other item which, in the reasonable opinion of WP Rugby, its servants or agents, could be used as a weapon or cause a nuisance to others, are not allowed within the Stadium.
15. Musical instruments are not allowed into the stadium for Rugby fixtures.
16. All promotional, commercial, political or religious items of whatever nature, including but not limited to banners, signs, symbols and leaflets are prohibited and may not be brought into the Stadium unless authorised by WP Rugby.
17. All persons including children and babies require a valid event ticket.
18. Pushchairs or prams are not allowed into the seating bowl
19. Except for photography for bona fide private non-commercial uses, the possession or operation of recording or transmission equipment of any kind is prohibited within the Stadium. This includes without limitation photography, filming, audio or other recording or transmission, or the compilation or transmission of data, save with the specific authorisation of WP Rugby, such authorisation is hereby given in respect of photography for bona fide private non-commercial uses unless and until WP Rugby notifies otherwise. Private fixed lens cameras will be allowed in the stadium providing they are not equipped with a lens of such a size that it may cause a nuisance to other spectators. Video cameras are not permitted.
20. No person is permitted to throw any object or projectile within the Ground.
21. Climbing onto or into stands, buildings, fences, structures or fittings within the Ground is prohibited.
22. Drinks purchased in the Ground must not be taken out of the Ground.
23. Animals or other livestock are not allowed into the Ground save with the specific authorisation of WP Rugby.
24. Smoking is not permitted on the stands and is only allowed in the designated areas
25. WP Rugby reserves the right for the Stadium Manager or Event Day Safety Officer as its agent and without prior notice to revoke or vary any of the Rules with immediate effect if this is considered necessary on public safety grounds. Any such revocation or variation of the Rules will be published on the website as soon as practicable.
26. WP Rugby shall be entitled to refuse admission or re-admission to, or to eject from the Stadium or the Ground, any person who does not comply with these Rules.