Safety and security at DHL Newlands Rugby Stadium

PUBLISHED: August 15, 2014

Safety and security of patrons at DHL Newlands Rugby Stadium is of paramount importance to Western Province Rugby and will not be compromised.

Compliance-wise, whilst the Safety Act was promulgated in 2010, the regulations have not yet been promulgated and the stadium is currently compliant.

Procedurally, risk at rugby events at the stadium is assessed, graded and formally certified by SAPS, in conjunction with City services. Safety and security event risks are identified, addressed and mitigated in minuted event-by-event meetings between the Event Organisers (WP Rugby), SAPS and City services, in the build-up to each event. Once satisfied with; documentation and plans submitted, the risk assessment and the event planning, the City issues WP Rugby with an event permit and permission is given to host the event.

At the event, relevant City services, SAPS and the Event Organiser are present in the Venue Operations Control Centre (VOC), represented by a senior official. Included are; SAPS, Disaster Management, Metro, Law Enforcement, Bomb Disposal, Traffic, Fire, ER24, City Events Department and Thorburn Security. Two fully-qualified safety officers are also on site in the build up to and for the duration of the event.

In addition to representation in the VOC, these entities staff the event on the ground. All are linked to and co-ordinated via the VOC and continuously monitor, assess and operationally ensure safety and security at the event. The VOC monitors the event and stadium surrounds with cameras, to identify and mitigate risk before incidents occur, continuously communicating with the multi-disciplinary team on the ground.

The stadium has fully-staffed and equipped medical and SAPS centres, with specialist medical doctors and equipment onsite to handle any incidents in line with approved, documented, operational plans.

Training programmes and thorough preparation are part of event planning and preparation.

Post-match safety and security reviews are conducted in minuted meetings between the City, SAPS and the Event Organiser, where any issues and incidents are highlighted, addressed and resolved.

Safety and security at events is paramount and WP Rugby will continue to work closely with the City, SAPS, event staff and stakeholders, to ensure compliance and safety at events. WP Rugby will not compromise the safety of its visitors to the stadium.