Marais elected WPRFU President

PUBLISHED: November 27, 2018

At the 27th annual General Council meeting of the Western Province Rugby Football Union (WPRFU) held at DHL Newlands on Monday, November 26, the General Council voted Zelt Marais in as the new WPRFU President.

With outgoing President Thelo Wakefield stepping down after completing a second term, the former Deputy President Marais was chosen by the clubs to replace him.

Wakefield’s tenure as WPRFU President ran from 2012 until 2018, which is the maximum term of office.

“It has been a pleasure to serve the WPRFU for the last 28 years and especially the last six years as President. I have given my all for this Union and will cherish the memories made during my term of office,” he said.

Marais has served as a WPRFU Executive Committee member for 12 years and was Deputy President of the Union for the last two years.

Moneeb Levy was voted in as Deputy President and Spencer King (unopposed) will be Vice President.

Western Province Rugby Group CEO Paul Zacks thanked Wakefield for his service and welcomed Marais as the new President.

“I would like to thank Thelo Wakefield for his years of service to Western Province Rugby and look forward to forming a close partnership going forward with Zelt Marais as the new President,” he said.

Marais said that he is looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead as WPRFU President.

“It is a great honour for me to be voted into this prestigious position and I will give my all to fulfill my mandate from the clubs and lead the WPRFU into the future,” he said.

The WPRFU Executive Committee is as follows:

President: Zelt Marais
Deputy President: Moneeb Levy
Vice President: Spencer King (unopposed)

Additional members:
Peter Jooste
Nadeema Khan
Kevin Kiewietz
Junaid Moerat
Reuben Riffel
Quintin van Rooyen
Mario Williams
Anele Zita