It’s finals day in the first-ever Community Challenge, with the Cup Final and Shield Final taking place at City Park on Saturday afternoon.
In all, four matches will take place in Crawford – the Shield Final (SK Walmers v Saldanha), the Cup Final (Durb-Bell v Hawston), a club friendly (Tygerberg v Belhar) and a Vodacom Cup, Round Four match between the Tusker Simba XV and Boland.
The matches will get underway at 13h00 on Saturday, with the Vodacom Cup game kicking-off at 16h30.
* A total of eight clubs – four clubs each from the Boland and Western Province Premier leagues – formed part of the inaugural Community Challenge competition.
The four clubs played in two groups, Group A (Durb-Bell, Hawston, Tygerberg and Ceres) and Group B (Belhar, Villagers Worcester, Saldanha and SK Walmers).
(March 29, 2014.)
A-Field: SK Walmers v Saldanha – 13h00
A-Field: Durb-Bell v Hawston – 15h00
B-Field: Tygerberg v Belhar – 14h30
A-Field: Tusker Simba XV v Boland – 16h30