Become a schools’ referee (boys and girls)

PUBLISHED: March 12, 2012

The WP Rugby Referees’ Society, in association with SARU and WP Rugby, will be hosting two special courses for potential referees.

What Will be covered?

BokSmart course

IRB Rugby Refereeing in Practise and Assistant Referees’ course

On-field instruction, positioning and shadow referee

Insight into what it takes to be a match official

Refereeing tips and more

Who Will be teaching the course?

The WP Rugby Referees’ Society

National and Provincial Panel referees

IRB Accredited Educators

When and Where Will it take place?

28, 29 and 30 March 2012

25, 26 and 27 June 2012

Starting at 08h00 on day one and ending at 14h00 on the last day

Jan Kriel School, Kuils River

The cost?

R600 per person

What’s included?

Included in the price is accommodation, meals and refreshments, a goodie bag, Law book and IRB Rugby Refereeing in Practise Manual.

You also stand a chance of being a ball boy/girl at Newlands.

WP Rugby Referees’ certificate

BokSmart licence and cerificate

Who can attend?

Learners from the age of 15 (or who turn 15 this year)

Who do I contact?

Lindsay Booysen – 021 659 4502 (during office hours)

[email protected]

only 60 attendees per course Will be accepted.