Spirit of a great heart

PUBLISHED: September 22, 2014

Cheslin Kolbe has crept into the hearts of the DHL Newlands Faithful with his lethal cocktail of flair and fearlessness.

If a big guy stormed down on a little one with a weight advantage in excess of 30kg, what would the likely outcome be? An easy question to answer, isn’t it? But not so easy if that little guy is Cheslin Kolbe.

Faced with such a one-on-one situation with just him between Golden Lions lock Luvuyiso Lusaseni and DHL WP’s tryline in a recent Absa Currie Cup match, Kolbe bravely brought down a man with a weight advantage of over 30kg.

“It’s a challenge that excites me,” says Kolbe of his defensive duties.

“People think a big guy will run over you just because you are small, but I don’t accept that. I learned a lot from the one-on-one situations I faced while playing for the Springbok Sevens team.”

Does he not get frightened with the laws of physics stacked against him?

“Sometimes you think about it afterwards, but not in the moment. You have to man up. Gio Aplon always told me that you have to win that individual battle,” says Kolbe, who punches well above his weight of 78kg.

DHL WP indeed have much to be grateful for that Aplon passed on his knowledge to Kolbe before heading to Grenoble in France.

“I’m still in touch with Gio. He’s always given me lots of tips and has asked how I’m doing,” says Kolbe.

Much like Aplon, Kolbe (20) is a mixture of incredible bravery and exceptional attacking prowess, in particular from broken play. Given time and space, he has the ability to make other players on the field seem static and run through untouched to the tryline.

“You don’t often get broken field, so you have to make it count when you have the opportunity,” he says.

For all the flair, however, there is a calculated side to Kolbe. The ability to maximise his attacking talent is based in the skill to make decisions in a split second. His positional play at fullback is another strength that makes him very useful at deflecting pressure from kicks behind the team.

“You have to do your homework and analyse the opposition. In the game itself, you get a feel for the situation,” he says.

Kolbe was eased into action on the wing at Currie Cup level last year rather than immediately being exposed to the pressure of playing fullback.

“I’m enjoying myself at fullback now and it’s my preferred position, but I think playing wing was good for me to be able to grow into the set-up. I learned a lot there,” he says.

“Playing fullback is challenging in the sense that you have to read the game more because there is a lot of space behind. It’s particularly challenging if the opposition has an experienced halfback pairing.”

Kolbe also delights in forming a back-three combination with Seabelo Senatla and Kobus van Wyk.

“Seabelo and I played sevens together since 2012 and last year we also represented the SA U20 team. We spend time together just about every day,” he says.

“Kobus and I have played together from Craven Week level onwards and have always had a good relationship.

“You must have a good understanding with your wings. It’s a relationship you have to build on.”

Indeed, it’s a youthful combination that has the potential to serve DHL WP well in the seasons to come.

The last time DHL WP had a back-three combination that made such an impact was probably when Percy Montgomery, Breyton Paulse and Pieter Rossouw served the union so well. Those are former players for whom there is immense respect in the current set-up.

“One of our commitments is to respect the people who wore the jersey before us,” says Kolbe.

But while those crowd favourites gave the Faithful fond memories, there is little doubt that there are many more good ones to come from Kolbe and co.

Isiqhushumbisi esinguCheslin Kolbe

Yinyani into yokuba isiqhushumbisi siza kwinto encinci.

Umdlali we Western Province uChelsin Kolbe ngumzekelo wesosiqhushumbisi kwaye akayiyo enye into ngaphandle kwesiqhushumbisi oko eqalile ukudlala kulonyaka uphelileyo.

Ewe kona ukuphumelela bokungabethwa kweqela lakhe ibingumzamo weqela lonke kodwa noKolbe nokulala kwakhe emgceni kusebenzile.

UKolbe uhleli kakhulu ephikweni kulonyaka kwiSuper Rugby kwaye lonto ibeneziphumo ezimbi ekulaleni kwakhe emgceni kuba ebengayifumani ibhola.

Ukufudukela emva, kwakhe kwiCurrie Cup kuzithwaxile ke kodwa iindonga zamanye amaqela kwaye kwavuleka iindlela ebantwini abafana noKobus Van Wyk noSeabelo Senatla nabo bazobonakala.

UKolbe akoyiki nto ngakumbi kuba enalomzimba umncinci anawo kwaye ibangathi nobomi akabuthatheli ntweni xana kusithiwa makagagane nezigantsontso ezilapha ngaphambili.

Uyindoda uphelele pha ngemva, uyabona kwaye naxana ephepha uyothusa kwaye unaso nesantya.

DHL Western Province Matchday Magazine