DHL Western Province will kick off their Currie Cup title defence when they face Toyota Free State Cheetahs at DHL Newlands on Saturday.
Head Coach John Dobson’s team will be looking to make it a record 35 Currie Cup titles this season, starting with kick-off at 17h15 at DHL Newlands on Saturday.
There is rain and heavy wind forecast, so those attending are encouraged to dress warmly.
Please specifically note that umbrellas are not allowed into the ground as per the stadium rules. Should there be rain please bring a raincoat and not an umbrella. Umbrellas will not be allowed in the gates of the stadium.
Fans at DHL Newlands will again be able to find and tag themselves on an interactive 360 degree FANCAM image, compliments of DirectAxis Financial Services, to be shared on social media by registering on A virtual Currie Cup trophy will also be hidden on the image, and those who find it stand a chance to win a VIP trip to the Currie Cup final.
Gates on matchday will open at 15h15, so spectators are encouraged to allow enough time to clear security and get to their seats timeously in order to avoid missing any of the action.
Tickets are available through Computicket- either online at – or in-store and also from Shoprite/Checkers stores and the DHL Newlands Box Office during match weeks. Only tickets bought from, or any Computicket outlet will be valid at DHL Newlands. These are the only outlets which are licenced to sell tickets to DHL Newlands. Tickets obtained from any other source may not be valid.
Parking is available at schools in the stadium vicinity and will also open at 14h30 at Groote Schuur Primary School (R50), Sans Souci Girls’ High School (R50) and SACS Preparatory (R50). No braaing allowed on these fields.
There will be no public signing session held after the game.
Please be RESPECTFUL of all supporters and those around you, as well as the players, coaches, officials and staff. Everyone would like to enjoy the game in a safe and pleasant environment. Please specifically note that – Western Province Rugby, the SAPS, VOC Commander, the safety officer or Disaster Management members shall be entitled to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Ground, any person whose behaviour or conduct could in the reasonable opinion of WP Rugby, the SAPS, VOC Commander, the safety officer or Disaster Management members constitute a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to spectators or other persons.
Western Province Rugby reserves the right to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Ground, any person who in the reasonable opinion of WP Rugby, its servants or agents, makes or incites any form of racial abuse, chanting, gesturing or behaviour.
Please specifically note that unauthorised access to the field is strictly prohibited and field invaders will be subject to arrest by SAPS. In the Stadium no unauthorised person is permitted on the playing or performance area (i.e. the pitch and its surrounding and no person may remain in a gangway, entrance, exit or staircase at any time.
Spectators are also reminded that admission to the Stadium may also be denied to ticket holders under the influence of, or carrying alcohol or any narcotic substance and that the stadium is a non-smoking facility. Pass-outs are allowed at designated gates to allow smokers to exit the stadium.
Please also note that the Pickard and scholars stand are alcohol-free zones. Two beers per person may be purchased and taken onto the stands, as long as they are decanted into plastic mugs.
Should you require any assistance or wish to report any issue, please approach the nearest security official and request the stand security manager.
Please enjoy your day out at DHL Newlands, we stand together.
CLICK HERE to read the stadium rules.
CLICK HERE to read some Frequently Asked Questions.
CLICK HERE to buy a ticket to DHL Western Province v Toyota Free State Cheetahs on Saturday.